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HomeZEE WORLD UPDATESKundali Bhagya 25 November 2019 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 25 November 2019 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 25 November 2019 Written Update: Sherlyn Heard Prithvi Met Karan

In the previous episode of Kundali Bhagya, Mahira asks her mother to not tell her father about the wedding. Sarla calls up Prithvi and says Preeta has agreed to marry him. Prithvi tells his mother that he will either marry Preeta or Sherlyn and his mother also accepts Preeta as his bride. Preeta tells Srishti that she will not marry Prithvi. She will asks Prithvi himself to call off the wedding. Prithvi makes a wedding card and goes to the Luthra House. He plans to invite Karan and Preeta to the wedding too.

Prithvi invites Rakhi to his wedding along with her sons Karan and Rishabh. He gives Karan the wedding to prove he is getting married to Preeta. Prithvi says Sarla herself asked him to marry Preeta and he first said no but realised it would be a big mistake to not marry Preeta.

Prithvi asks Karan and Rishabh to be there at the wedding for sure even though he knows it is Karan’s engagement. Karan tells Prithvi to marry Preeta if he wants to. Prithvi taunts Karan saying in the end he was the one who got to marry Preeta. Rishabh asks Karan why he is angry with the wedding card if he doesn’t think Preeta is his wife.

Preeta says she had refused to be friends with Prithvi a few days ago and now he wants to marry her. Srishti says Prithvi is doing this marriage only to get revenge on Karan. Sarla walks in and warns Srishti to not change Preeta’s mind. She asks Preeta to try on the wedding clothes and jewelry and says this marriage will happen no matter what.

Mahira gets a call from Sherlyn who asks to speak to Rishabh. When Rishabh answers the call he mentions that everyone in the house is upset because Prithvi showed up. Rishabh refuses to tell her why Prithvi was there. Mahira sees Prithvi and Preeta’s wedding card and is happy because she thinks both Karan and Preeta are moving on.

Kundali Bhagya 25 November 2019 Written Update

Karan is holding Preeta’s wedding card looking upset. He calls up Preeta and for a while they don’t say anything. Karan then says he doesn’t want to talk to Preeta and they get into and argument. Preeta and Karan think about deleting each other’s number but change their mind. Will Karan stop Preeta’s wedding again? Stay tuned to find out.