Scripture Union Daily Guide 23 December 2020 – God’s Long–Term Plan

Scripture Union Daily Guide 23 December 2020
Scripture Union Daily Guide 23 December 2020 Message

TOPIC: God’s Long–Term Plan

Open Prayer: As I read your word O Lord, grant me an insight and grace to do your will in Jesus name.

Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew
Matthew, the writer of this Gospel, was a tax collector. He is also called Levi (Mark 2:14–17). When Jesus called him to follow him, he left his profession to become a disciple of Jesus. He immediately sought to introduce his fellow colleagues to Jesus (Matthew 9:9–13). He wrote for a Jewish audience and his main purpose was to prove to them that Jesus is their Messiah. He shows that Jesus in his life and ministry fulfilled the Old Testament Scriptures. Thus, he traces Jesus’ descent from Abraham in Chapter 1 and emphasizes that Jesus is the Son of David. He has more quotations and allusions to the Old Testament than any other New Testament book.

Scripture: Matthew 1:1–17

• What does the passage teach about God the Father, God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?
• What is God revealing to me in this passage?

In our Christmas readings, we see the story of how Jesus became man. Matthew makes it clear from the start that it did not all begin with Joseph and Mary. He provides us with the long line of ancestors that clearly demonstrates how Jesus was the son of David, the son of Abraham. After all, it was to Abraham that God made the Promise that his descendant would be the source of blessing to all the earth, (Genesis 12:3). Even farther back as Luke did in his own account – (Luke 3:38), the story dates as far back as the Garden of Eden, for it was there that God promised that the son of the woman would one day bruise the serpent’s head (Genesis 3:15). Even farther back still, see 1 Peter 1:20 Note the four women named in the family tree. Tamar, Rahab and Ruth were foreigners. Apart from Ruth, the other women had questionable moral history. The God of Israel had his eyes on the whole world and these women were accepted by him because of their faith. God has room for each one who comes to him in faith, no matter their background. When a person comes to Christ he becomes a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17). See also Matthew 9:13.

⁂ Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?

Practice/Word Application
Meditate on: “Through thy seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed”

Christmas bells are Ringing
1. Happy Christmas bells are ringing,
Everywhere, everywhere;
Merry Christmas bells are ringing
Upon the wintry air;
Telling of the love of God’s dear Son,
How He came from Heav’n to earth,
Ringing in the morning, once again,
Of our dear Savior’s birth.

Ring, sweet bells; oh, ring again!
Pealing out your gladsome strain!
Happy Christmas bells, peal on,
Ringing gladness everywhere.

2.Happy Christmas bells, your chiming
Wakens hopes bright with love;
Tenderly your music tells us
Of that sweet home above;
Hopefully we look to that sweet home,
Far removed from care and sin,
Longing for the bells of Heav’n to ring
A sweeter Christmas in.

Prayer Points
• Thank you, Lord, for receiving me just as I am. Help me not to look down on anyone but to tell them about the Saviour.
• Pray for wisdom upon leaders of the country to lead aright, with the fear of the Lord.
• Offer a prayer of faith in line with Luke 1:35a and b

Read the Bible in one Year
Micah 1–3; Luke 21 :20–

Scripture Union Daily Guide 23 December 2020 – Scripture Union is an international, inter-denominational, evangelical Christian organization. It was founded in 1867, and works in partnership with individuals and churches across the world.

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