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HomeDAILY DEVOTIONALSScripture Union Daily Guide 8 June 2023 – Leadership Transition

Scripture Union Daily Guide 8 June 2023 – Leadership Transition

Scripture Union Daily Guide 8 June 2023
Scripture Union Daily Guide 8 June 2023

Read Scripture Union Daily Guide 8 June 2023, Thursday SU Daily Guide Reading

TOPIC: Leadership Transition

OPENING PRAYER: Dear Lord, expose me to your truth as I read your word in Jesus name.

SCRIPTURE: 2 King 2:15-25

• Q 2: Is there any example for me to follow or not to follow?
• Q 7: What truth is God revealing to me in this passage?

MESSAGE: Observe that there was neither tussle among the sons of the prophets nor rejection of the authority of Elisha as the successor of Elijah. What was responsible for this smooth transition according to v.15 and what can we learn from it? Succession is a big problem in many of our nations and churches. Leadership transition process between Elijah and Elisha was guided by the Spirit of God. If we also allow the Holy Spirit to guide our succession processes, conflicts and rancours would be reduced to the barest minimum in our leadership transitions.

Read vs.16-18 again. What do you think of the attitude of the sons of the prophets? Sometimes, people might make us feel that we are wrong unless we agree with their position on certain matters. We must learn to stand for what we know is true and refuse to be intimidated by other people’s opinions.

Elisha healed the core Jericho’s problem using salt (vs.19-21). Our world is sick and we are the cure that Christ has provided (Matthew 5:13).

Note that we are not to follow Elisha’s example of cursing people no matter how angry they make us feel (Romans 12:19-21). However, young people should learn not to insult, but to obey and honour their parents and elders to attract God’s, their elders’ and parents’ blessings and not curses (Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-3).

• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?

Pray that God will intervene and bring peace in nations, churches, and other organisations where there are leadership tussles and conflicts.

  • Offer a prayer of faith in line with Isaiah 40:31

1 Chronicles 22, 23; Mark 7.



God, the Lord of my strength; He makes my feet like the deer’s; He makes me tread on my high places… -Habakkuk 3:19

► Giving us youths in SU who are gifted and talented.
► The guidance of the word of God that has made our SU youths to be like Daniel.

► SU youths that God will help them to learn skills as they learn their academic work.
► Them to learn character and apply creativity when needed later on in life.
► Our SU youths to submit to God daily as they resist the devil.

► Wasting their lives dreaming of what is not God’s plan for their lives.
► Comparing themselves with other youths who have missed the road to heaven.

Scripture Union Daily Guide 8 June 2023. Scripture Union is an international, interdenominational, evangelical Christian organization. It was founded in 1867, and works in partnership with individuals and churches across the world. The organization’s stated aim is to use the Bible to inspire children, young people and adults to know God.

READ ALSO: Daily Bible Verse And Prayer For Today 8 June 2023

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