Bible Verse for Today 27th June 2023, Tuesday
Read Daily Bible Verse for Today 27th June 2023, Tuesday Message taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.
BIBLE VERSE: A good man obtains favor from the Lord, But a man of wicked intentions He will condemn. – Proverbs 12:2, New King James Version
MESSAGE: It is certainly worth while to have the Lord’s favor. If we know that he is smiling upon us, we need not much mind what the world thinks. Christ’s commendation sweetens even the bitterest of unjust blame. It was very comforting for Mary when the disciples were finding fault, to have Jesus say, “She has wrought a good work.” This approval healed the hurt the disciples’ unfit words had caused.
A good man obtains God’s favor. A good man is one who loves God and does his will. The Scripture does not say a great man, a rich man, a strong man, a man of rank. If any of these were the qualification required, there would be very many people who never could obtain the divine favor; for not many of us are either great, rich, strong, or noble. The qualification is a “good” man. Goodness is within the reach of all of us. If only we are good, it matters little what our condition in other regards may be.
The other side of this proverb is also instructive: “but the LORD condemns a crafty man.” Again, it is not poverty, nor ignorance, nor commonplace condition, which misses the Lord’s favor–but a bad heart, one full of deceit, scheming, and evil designs against others. If we would have God’s favor–we must keep a sincere and pure heart.
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