Daily Prayer for Today for 1st June 2023 (New Month)

Daily Prayer for Today 1st June 2023
Daily Prayer for Today for 1st June 2023, Thursday (Morning & Evening)

Read Thursday Morning And Evening – Daily Prayer for Today for 1st June 2023


SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY: ..and we will receive from Him whatever we ask, because we keep His commandments and do what is pleasing in His sight. — 1 John 3:22 (BSB)

QUOTE: Prayer is the indispensable mark of the true child of God.
— Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER: O God, who is everywhere present, who is surely here with us now while we bow before You — may You make Your presence indeed real to us, so that we shall be conscious of it. We cannot see You, and it is hard for us to know that You are truly with us. Give us faith in Your promise that You will never leave us nor forsake us, that You will be with us always, even unto the end of the world.

So may Your presence make us strong, and keep us always at peace. May it inspire us always to do our best, since the Master’s eye is ever upon us. May it keep us from being ever discouraged and cast down, since You are always a very present help in times of trouble. Then may it make us most watchful over all our life and conversation — that we may do nothing and say nothing which would grieve You.

We desire, our Father, to be diligent today in all duty, and we ask You for help and guidance. Show us what You will have us to do — and then give us wisdom and grace to do all our duty. Help us to do it beautifully, so as to please You. Let us not live well, merely because we must — but may we love to do the things that are right, and do them with cheerfulness and glad-heartedness. May we glorify Your name in the midst of Your enemies, honoring You in our every word and act.

We commit to Your keeping, all of our household as we separate and go our several ways. Let no accident befall any of us. May we be kept from sickness and trial, if You will; or if any trouble comes to us, then may we be kept from sinning. Give us Your help. Uphold us by Your right hand. We ask all, with the forgiveness of our sins, in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.


SCRIPTURE: Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.
— John 16:24 (BSB)

QUOTE: Prayer will make a man cease from sin; or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer.
— John Bunyan

PRAYER: Father, though dark about us — it is always light with You. We come at nightfall to thank You for the day’s mercies, and to confess our sins. Blot out every transgression. Wash us — and we shall be whiter than snow. Accept what we bring to You tonight, and let Your blessing be upon it all.

We ask You for Your special peace. We remember Your promise to keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is stayed on You. We would stay our minds on You. You are an everlasting rock. You are the same yesterday, and today, and forever. You are the everlasting Father. Nothing ever disturbs Your security. We would lean . . .
our weakness on Your strength,
our ignorance on Your wisdom,
our trembling insecurity on Your unchangeableness.

We would stay ourselves upon You. Help us to rest in You, as birds in their nest in the great rock, and not be afraid.

Save us from all fear. We are only little children in this world of danger — but we are safe in You. Help us therefore to trust and never be afraid. Cover us with Your sheltering wings. Hold us in the clasp of Your hand — in the embrace of Your everlasting arms. Preserve us from . . .
the fascinations of the world,
the assaults of the tempter, and
the insidious wickedness of our own hearts.

May You bless our mutual influence as a household. We love each other; may our love grow more tender. Sometimes we fail to show our love, even appearing cold and indifferent and ungracious. Help us to be kindly-affectioned in manner, as well as loving in heart.

We pray for our neighbors and friends. May Your grace be upon them.

Comfort the sorrowing,
relieve the distressed,
have mercy upon the sinning.

We ask all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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