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HomeZEE WORLD UPDATESJodha Akbar 25 April 2020 Update

Jodha Akbar 25 April 2020 Update

Jodha Akbar 25 April 2020 Update on Zee World

The episode starts in court jalal says raam is leaving and all ladies will give him gifts. He ask servant to present him gold , raam says i respect you but you have disappointed me, what will these coins teaches me. Raam refuses them by saying he is insulting his talent by weighing his skill with gold and silver and insulting him.

Jalal again ask him to take, he says these coins are also in my state but i dont need it, jalal says but i will not let leave you before taking it, raam ask to cut his head then, jodha gets up and gifts him om locket. Raam readily praises that gift and accepts it gracefully, Jalal is furious he demands to know the reason for this as its also gold,Raam replies that Jodha had given him the symbol of music, the entire world in the letter OUM which was in the locket she had gifted him. Jalal says your thinking is great, raam says your wife has also great thinking.

Jalal pouts, he ask raam to present song before leaving, raam denies saying i cant sing on your order, singing is natural thing so it doesnt come on orders. Jalal says one day i will win you and you will sing for me. Raam says you are a king can win states lands but not my singing, like you pray to your god, i pray to my singing, so tell me can you win god? He greets and leaves.

Jodha is in bath tub,moti says raam accepted only your gift, jodha says singers like gifts related to singing but all jalal can think is about money, winning, coins. moti sent all out and says if he doesnt have heart then why would he give you bansuri and peacock feather. Jodha says he made benazir sit beside him and also gave my bangle to her, moti says if he would have have asked permission from you then you would allow him? She ask whether she have problem with benazir or benazir being closed to jalal? Jodha Akbar 25 April 2020 Update

Jodha turns her face. Moti ask whether you have started to show your rights as a wife? Jodha ask her to shut up. Moti says i understand you well, if you think of something all the time then this means you have started to show rights over it. Jodha ask moti to leave. She leaves.

Resham is dancing like benazir who is under effects of benazir maham comes to her room they discuss how jodha was jealous of benazir how benazir was causing rift between jodha n jalal. Resham informs about how benazir was preparing for the night to be spent with jalal, Maham is very happy to hear that she rewards resham, Maham wants to see the jealousy on Jodha’s face and She vows to make jodha feel insulted and humiliated before the entire court

Jodha is with pigeons and remembers jalal’s closeness with benazir. Benazir comes there, greets jodha who ask what you want to say? Benazir says i have no right to wear your dress but jalal asked me, i am here to give it back, jodha says you can keep it and you have no problem wearing my thrown things, benazir says i have no problem and show her that bangle, benazir ask will you mind it, but jalal gave me, jodha says he is king can gift anything to any dasi.

Benazir says maybe wife doesnt like dasi sitting with jalal, may you will fight, jodha says its our personal matter. Benazir informs her that jalal has called her tonight, jodha says see these pigeons, when jalal thinks he make one eat but that doesnt mean pigeon will think high of him, she leaves. Benazir says to zakira that i have got whats inside jodha, it is to see whether jalal has made pigeon(benazir) eat or pigeon has made jalal eat.

In prison sharif wakes up Adham.. Who wants to sleep and rest, Sharif ask adham to make plans of escaping this prison but adham says there is no way out of this place , sharif tells him his mother could help them but she is not interested as she is more interested in jalal, Adham calls sharif coward, Adham then tells him his mother would surely find a way out.
Maham is crying thinking of adham and says i miss you alot, you might think i am not doing anything but when i will get a chance i will free you, jalal comes, maham cries so jalal consoles her and ask you are crying for adham?

Jodha Akbar 25 April 2020 Update on Zee World

Maham says yes i am a mother, i was proud seeing him as malwa minister and now he is in jail but that doesnt mean that i will shy away from my duties, i have ordered to beat him but mother inside me cries for him. Maham thinks plan is working, jalal says i will order that you can meet adham anytime, jalal ask why these tears now, maham says for you, you think of everybody’s happiness, jodha 1st called you then insulted you, jalal says i dont wanna talk about it but i will take revenge of my insult

hoshiyar ask ruks with whom you are going to play chess, ruks says with jalal, hoshiyar says he will spend night with benazir, ruks laughs. Salima comes and says some poetry lines, ruks appreciates her, salima ask reason for her laugh, ruks says benazir has called jalal but i know he will not go, if he do so i will give my position to hoshiyar for one day and will become hoshiyar, salima ask did jalal and jodha had fight? Ruks says yes thats why jalal made benazir sit beside him but i know he will not go to her as kings dont go behind bandhi, bandhi’s come behind him. Salima wondors what happened between jalal jodha.

Javeda calls zakira and ask her to tell her beauty tips which benazir use, zakira is skeptical, but javeda insists to give her fairness creams etc which benazir use. Maham comes and ask zakira about benazir qualities, zakira says she is a good hunter, maham says yes she hunts with her eyes, zakira leaves, javeda is excited that she will get to know the secrets of beauty and will become beautiful, maham says for that you have to ask sun to rise from WEST and set in EAST, javeda doesnt understand and thinks maham is getting old.

Maham comes to benazir who is dancing, maham ask what you were talking with jodha, benazir ask reason for her interest, maham says just give the answer, benazir says i noticed that jodha didnt like me around jalal so i just went to her to confirm it, maham says i like sharp minds, benazir says and you dont like jodha, maham says your mind is fast but your tongue is faster and i dont like this habbit so make sure you speak less and be liked by me as you will get close to jalal with my help only. Maham leaves.

Jodha is sitting outside, rahim ask to tell him story but jodha says i am in no mood, salima comes and ask rahim to go to his room, she ask jodha why you seem upset, jodha says i dont understand jalal, sometime he gives so much respect that you cant digest and sometime he insults you so much that you cant bear it. Salima ask did anything happened between you two, jodha is about to tell but stops, jalal is looking at them from balcony, zakira says to jalal that benazir is calling you, jodha says to salima that my mood is not good, i will talk later, i want to spend sometime alone.

Salima leaves. Jalal says to zakira that if she want to meet then she will come here, ask her to come, zakira goes to benazir who says that jalal is unique, every man comes running when i call him but he didnt, zakira ask whether he will give-in to your beauty tonight, benazir says i always win, lets see.

Outside jodha is standing alone, jalal comes and gives her angry look, benazir comes and jalal says your hairs are flaunting beautifully, jodha is listening, beanzir thinks that he is saying this because of jodha and his eyes are on her only, jalal says i was waiting for you, benazir says sorry, jalal says meeting after a long wait is always special, he looks at jodha who is about to leave burning in jealousy, benazir sees them looking at each other and jumps in water, jalal looks shocked and jumps in water, he picks her up in his arms.

Jodha is witnessing all this, they come outside of water, benazir is shivering, jalal ask servant to bring hot water, he puts her hand in hot water but she screams saying its too hot, jalal shouts at servant and make her wear blanket, he ask jodha to rub her other hand but she doesnt budge, jalal ask benazir to calm down and ask servant to take her inside.

Jalal ask jodha why she didnt help, jodha picks up the hot water, puts her hand in it and says the water was not that hot, she leaves, jalal thinks that may be water was not hot but you are burning seeing more importance for bandhi then you and i will make sure that you keep burning.

Jodha Akbar 25 April 2020 Update ends as Benazir tells zakira how she had jumped into the lake to attract jalal’s attention and tells zakira that she will win if she moves slowly n steadily, Benazir tells zakira that she would make sure no one came between her self n jalal next time. and have to distract jalal from jodha, zakira ask why she is behind jodha?