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ODM Devotional 19 April 2021 – The Deliverance of the Head(3)

ODM Devotional 19 April 2021 – The Deliverance of the Head(3)

ODM Devotional 19 April 2021 Message By Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe

TOPIC: The Deliverance of the Head(3)

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 54:7, 2 Cor. 3:12-18(ODM Devotional 19 April 2021)

MESSAGE: Beloved, when talking about deliverance of the head, it is important to know what the head is and what it signifies. Apart from the fact that the head represents glory, it carries some organs that enable you to fulfil your God-given purpose and destiny. Very important is the fact that the head carries the eyes, which represents sight vision.

The eyes are very important, not just to the physical existence of any human being, but also for the spiritual wellbeing of anybody because they give and symbolise physical, mental and spiritual vision/revelation. This is another reason why the head is a target for all kinds of satanic attacks. The eye doesn’t only manifest physical sight, which makes pursuing our purpose and destiny easy. It also manifests such things as: the eye of the heart/mind, which enables us to have hindsight so that we can preview the past and learn from its mistakes in order not to make such mistakes again.

The eye of the heart/mind also enables us to have foresight. Foresight simply means: taking advantage of whatever has happened to us in the past and what we are going through presently and use both to determine the right steps to take in the future, especially concerning our God-given purpose and destiny.

This enables us to look into the future and effectively plan ahead on how to navigate through the challenges that life will throw at us. The eye also manifests in the area of spiritual revelation and vision. This is talking about the spiritual eyes. And this gives us time awareness of happenings in the spirit realm and what actions we need to take concerning them, for the furtherance of our God-given purpose and destiny. This makes the eye so important for the fulfillment of destiny.

Little wonder Moses Kanta once said: “A vision is not just a picture of what could be: it is an appeal to our better selves: a call to become something more. And that one thing that signifies and gives vision is the eye, which is a part of the head. In JUDGES 16:1-E0, the Philistines had to attack the head of Samson by cutting his hair, to enable them capture and cut off his destiny as the deliverer of his people. They also had to pull out his eyes because they realised that what the physical eyes see can trigger the eyes of the heart and imagination into action and what the heart can conceive, it can achieve.

Samson went on to destroy more people in death than when he was alive, but he had to depend on the sight of the child that helped him to put his hands on the pillars of the building to achieve this. Today’s second scripture in Vs. 17 says: Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. “I declare your liberation from any bondage or attack against your head, by the power of the Spirit of the Lord, in Jesus name. Deliverance of the head means destroying any weapon or arrow being used to manipulate you through your brain (your mind) so that you can fulfil your God-given purpose and destiny.

ODM Devotional 19 April 2021 PRAYER POINTS

1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as you are led now.

2. Any power that blinds my eyes to obvious physical opportunities, die by fire in Jesus name.

3. I declare LIBERTY TO MY HEAD! Any power that only makes me see the bad and not the good in people and situations, die in Jesus name.

4. LORD, give me insight and a fresh hindsight into the issues of my destiny in Jesus name.

5. You power that makes me see problems in the place of opportunities, die in Jesus name.

6. You my head! Reject any form of captivity in Jesus name.

Thanks for reading Today’s ODM Devotional 19 April 2021 Message written by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe the founder of the various Manna Prayer Mountain (MPM) worldwide.