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HomeDAILY DEVOTIONALSOur Daily Bread Devotional 22 June 2023: Faith Comes from Hearing

Our Daily Bread Devotional 22 June 2023: Faith Comes from Hearing

Our Daily Bread Devotional 22 June 2023
Our Daily Bread Devotional 22 June 2023, Thursday ODB Message

Read Our Daily Bread Devotional 22 June 2023, ODB Devotional Message for Thursday By Amy Boucher Pye

TOPIC: Faith Comes from Hearing

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Esther 6–8; Acts 6

KEY VERSE: Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. – Romans 10:17

Romans 10:8–17

In Romans 10, Paul explains why the Jews are still not saved. To these Jews, the way to have a right standing with God was to meticulously keep the law. But God’s way is that they must believe in Jesus (Romans 10:3–4). Paul spelled out God’s way of salvation: “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (v. 9). It’s the same for all people—whether Jews or gentiles—for Christ “is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him” (v. 12). Paul reaffirms the necessity of believing in Jesus by saying, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (v. 13).


When Pastor Bob suffered an injury that affected his voice, he entered fifteen years of crisis and depression. What, he wondered, does a pastor do who can’t talk? He struggled with this question, pouring out his grief and confusion to God. He reflected, “I only knew one thing to do—to go after the Word of God.” As he spent time reading the Bible, his love for God grew: “I’ve devoted my life to absorbing and immersing myself in the Scripture because faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God.”

We find the phrase “faith comes from hearing” in the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans. Paul longed for all of his fellow Jewish people to believe in Christ and be saved (Romans 10:9). How would they believe? Through the faith that “comes from hearing the message . . . through the word about Christ” (v. 17).

Pastor Bob seeks to receive and believe in Christ’s message, especially as he reads the Bible. He can only speak for an hour a day and has constant pain when he does so, but he continues to find peace and contentment from God through his immersion in Scripture. So too we can trust that Jesus will reveal Himself to us in our struggles. He will increase our faith as we hear His message, whatever challenges we face.

REFLECT: How could immersing yourself in Scripture strengthen your faith? How have you found contentment even when life is challenging?

PRAY: Loving God, You give me hope even when I feel stuck and in pain. Shape me into the person You want me to be.

Our Daily Bread Devotional 22 June 2023 || ODB for Thursday Message . Our Daily Bread Ministries (ODB) is a Christian organization founded by Dr. Martin De Haan in 1938. It is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with over 600 employees. It produces several devotional publications, including Our Daily Bread. our daily bread devotional for today audio our daily bread booklet.

READ ALSO: Streams of Joy Devotional 21 June 2023: Still Waters